Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Africa and Uruguay

they played today Uruguay and Africa 3-0
Anyways Uruguay won them i wanted Uruguay to win but it's cause if Africa loses then Uruguay will play against Mexico and they're good so there's more chance that Mexico loses and Africa is worse but oh well! Tomorrow it's Mexico and France i hope Mexico wins!


Windy said...

Hahaha This is sooo coo! I don't even have to watch TV!!! I just get the scores right here! though...Ummm...a little confused, you want them (mexico) to lose against Uruguay, but to win against France???

Firefly said...

nooooooooo i want mexico to win France and Uruguay

MY WORLD said...

hahaha today is playing mexico and france...we have these friends and the wiffe is mexican (very mexican)and the husband is french (very french)hahaha I wonder who is going to go for who...

Firefly said...

I don't know who? said...
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ana milagros said...

hahaha if mexico wins uruguay then there playing againts argentina and there getting busted!!!1 hahahahahahaha the only thing i like about mexico is chicharito!!

Firefly said...

Hahahaha me too and also Rafa but you actually never know if mexico wins Argentina cause it was a miracle that they won France so there's always a chance for them to win

ana milagros said...

hahahah mexico is going againts argentina sence they lost!!!! ahaha ok yeah but france sucks like bad theey lost againt south africa 2-0 so hahaha poor mexico!